If I had to tell you the three most important things about me, in any order, I would tell you that I married my high school sweetheart and we have three sweet kiddos. I would tell you that I love Jesus and my faith is a huge part of who I am. And I would tell you that this photography business I have was a dream and a prayer a long time in the making.

My love for photography really took root when I became a mother, because being a mom gave me a renewed appreciation for even the simplest parts of my day to day. I found myself wanting to bottle up every detail of my babies and keep them at every age, forever and ever. Photography gave me a way to do that.
But now? I love how I can use what started as a mom-hobby of mine to serve others in so many ways. I love that I get to know local families, local college and high school seniors, and small business owners around BCS. I get to know you and serve you by giving you photos that make you happy! It's a win/win!
He fills my life with good things. Psalms 103:5